
In size it is the baby of the Stun Family, but don't be fooled by its toylike appearance and size. The ST-90 is a beast in the Stun-only range. The entire handle is a trigger guard, which fortunately decreases the likelihood of dropping the weapon. It's only draw back is its lack of accuracy, but it is quick and a steady shooter will be able to make up for such a minor problem with impressive results. Mere months old, the ST-90 encompasses modern weapon design. Excellent power and compact size mark this design, and it is in current distribution among law enforcement agencies.

Weapon Type.........Stun Pistol              Weight..............1.25kg
Damage Type.........Energy                   Stun Setting........Yes
Accuracy............-1D+0 Penalty            Damage..............6D (Stun)
Conceal Difficulty..11                       Two-Handed..........No