
An Intergalactic News Post by
Korynn Fleming


15 ABY
(RL date: 05 December 2006)


Imperial Politics
Corellian Corruption Scandal


Timo Droja

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Imperial Announcement

A priority announcement is sent throughout Imperial space regarding the arrest of Danik Kreldin, who was presumed dead at the Retribution of Coruscant.

Across the Imperial networks, a special report begins interrupting all programming. Timo Droja sits behind a news desk, dressed in one of his best suits. Behind him, the Imperial Seal hovers as a backdrop. His hands are folded together and his face carries a sober expression.

"An official press release from Imperial Center may be shedding some light on what's come to be known as 'The Corellian Corruption Scandal'. Many of you will recall over a month ago, when the entire planet of Corellia was locked down by the Imperial Military. During this time, we are being told that members of the 501st Stormtrooper Legion and the Imperial Security Bureau's CompForce Assault Unit took control of the Kreldin Family Estate. IGN has been informed that Grand Admiral Danik Kreldin, who was allegedly killed during the recent liberation of Imperial Center, had actually managed to fake his death during the battle."

Timo pauses to swallow, the subtleties of fear stitched across his brow. "More shocking is this report of treachery, released by ISB." He glances down and begins reading from a piece of flimsiplast on his desk. "Danik Kreldin was arrested for attempting to form a rebellion against our glorious Emperor Vadim. This plot has roots in his staged death at Coruscant, perhaps even earlier." He glances up again, a frown on his face. "The ISB report goes on to explain that suspicions exist of Kreldin planning to involve the so-called Jedi in his plot to overthrow the Emperor, which would have brought a state of chaos greater than that the Galaxy suffered during the Clone Wars and the betrayal of humanity."

Once again Timo pauses, giving the viewers a chance to absorb everything. "Fortunately, the lockdown on Corellia ended not long after the Imperial task force captured and arrested Kreldin, right out of his family estate. Having been revoked of his military power and civil rights, Kreldin is slated to stand trial for his actions before the Emperor Himself." The human newscaster bows his head slowly, then concludes. "We will deliver news to you as swiftly as we discover it. From Imperial Center, I'm Timo Droja. Glory to the Emperor, and Long Live the Empire.
